How to Remove Water from Your Dog’s Ears

As a dog owner, you know how important it is to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. One of the most common issues that dogs face is water in their ears, which can lead to infections and discomfort. In this article, we will discuss how to remove water from your dog’s ears and prevent future problems.

Why Does Water Get Stuck in Your Dog’s Ears?

Dogs have a vertical ear canal that makes it easy for water to get trapped inside. This can happen when your dog goes for a swim, takes a bath, or even just gets caught in the rain. When water gets trapped in your dog’s ears, it creates a warm and moist environment that is perfect for bacteria and yeast to grow.

Signs that Your Dog Has Water in Their Ears

If your dog has water in their ears, you may notice them shaking their head or scratching at their ears. They may also have a foul odor coming from their ears or discharge. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action to remove the water and prevent infection.

How to Remove Water from Your Dog’s Ears

There are several methods that you can use to remove water from your dog’s ears. Here are a few of the most effective:

1. Use a Drying Solution

You can purchase a drying solution from your veterinarian or pet store that is specifically designed to remove water from your dog’s ears. Simply apply a few drops of the solution into each ear and massage the base of the ear to help the solution reach the trapped water. Your dog will likely shake their head after the solution is applied, which will help to remove the water.

2. Use a Towel

If you don’t have a drying solution on hand, you can use a clean towel to remove the water from your dog’s ears. Gently wipe the inside of the ear flap and the ear canal, being careful not to push the towel too far into the ear. You can also use a hairdryer on a low setting to dry the ear, but be sure to hold it a safe distance away from your dog’s ear to avoid burning them.

3. Use Gravity

If your dog has a lot of water in their ears, you can use gravity to help remove it. Gently tilt your dog’s head to the side and use a clean towel to absorb the water as it drains out of the ear. Repeat on the other side.

Preventing Water from Getting Stuck in Your Dog’s Ears

Prevention is always the best course of action when it comes to your dog’s health. Here are a few tips to help prevent water from getting trapped in your dog’s ears:

1. Use Earplugs

If your dog loves to swim, consider using earplugs to prevent water from getting trapped in their ears. You can purchase earplugs that are specifically designed for dogs from your veterinarian or pet store.

2. Dry Their Ears After Swimming or Bathing

After your dog goes for a swim or takes a bath, be sure to dry their ears thoroughly. Use a towel or a hairdryer on a low setting to remove any excess water.

3. Keep Their Ears Clean

Regular ear cleaning can help to prevent infections and keep your dog’s ears healthy. Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to gently clean the inside of your dog’s ears, being careful not to push anything too far into the ear canal.


Water in your dog’s ears can be uncomfortable and lead to infections if left untreated. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can help to remove water from your dog’s ears and prevent future problems. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian if you notice any signs of infection or if you have any concerns about your dog’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use rubbing alcohol to dry my dog’s ears?

A: No, rubbing alcohol can be harmful to your dog’s ears and should not be used to dry them.

Q: How often should I clean my dog’s ears?

A: It is recommended to clean your dog’s ears once a week to prevent infections and keep them healthy.

Q: Can water in my dog’s ears cause hearing loss?

A: While water in your dog’s ears can be uncomfortable and lead to infections, it is unlikely to cause permanent hearing loss.

Q: What are the signs of an ear infection in dogs?

A: Signs of an ear infection in dogs include shaking their head, scratching at their ears, discharge, and a foul odor coming from their ears.

Q: Can I prevent water from getting in my dog’s ears while they swim?

A: Yes, you can use earplugs designed for dogs to prevent water from getting trapped in their ears while they swim.

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Brandon Dickinson

Brandon Dickinson

I love playing and spending time with pups. On RetrieverPaws, I share tips, guides, and my experiences with retriever dogs (Labrador and Golden Retrievers mainly).

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