
Please read carefully the following legal disclaimer for www.retrieverpaws.com:

No Warranties

This website is provided “as is” and comes without any warranties either express or implied. RetrieverPaws makes no representations or warranties concerning this website or any information and content provided.

All materials, information, and content on this site are provided for educational and informational purposes only. RetrieverPaws does not warrant that the information provided on this site is true, accurate, complete, or in any way misleading.

Information on this site is not to be used as a substitute for consultation with professional persons such as veterinarians, fish health care professionals, or animal behaviorists. RetrieverPaws cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of any information that can be found on this site.

Limitations of Liability

To the extent that this site and the information to be found here is provided free of charge, RetrieverPaws will not be held liable to any person, under the law of contract or the law of torts, in relation to the use of materials on, or the use of or anything in connection with this website, for any losses either direct, indirect or consequential.

We will not be held liable for any losses to business, loss of income, revenue, profits, contracts or business relationships, loss of reputation, or loss of information or data. These limitations of liability will apply even in the case where this site has been advised of the potential losses.


By the act of using this website, you give agreement that any exclusions and limitations of liability described in this disclaimer are entirely reasonable. If you disagree and think that they aren’t reasonable in any way, then you simply must not use this website.

Outside 3rd Parties to This Site

As a limited liability entity, you accept that RetrieverPaws endeavors to limit the personal liability of its owners, associates, officers, and employees. You agree to never attempt in bringing any claim against any of RetrieverPaws owners, associates, officers, or employees with regard to any losses that may be incurred due to any interaction with or any relationship had with this website.

You explicitly agree by using this website that the limitations of warranty and liabilities described in this disclaimer protect RetrieverPaws owners, associates, officers, subsidiaries, sub-contractors, successors, employees, and RetrieverPaws itself.

Our Reviews and Recommendation Methods and Policies

Any products that feature in a product review and are recommended for use by RetrieverPaws have either been thoroughly researched with many peoples opinions aggregated into the overall review, or have been physically tested by ourselves. But this is only our personal and not a professional opinion.

Also, please remember that every animal is different, every situation is different and your own due diligence and discretion should be used to decide whether any product is suitable for use by yourself or your dog, considering the unique circumstances and environment that may exist.

Under no circumstances and in no event or case will RetrieverPaws be held liable or accept responsibility for any losses, damage, or injury that may occur from the use of any product appearing in a product review and that is recommended by us.


Occasionally, RetrieverPaws.com may link out to information or refer to / recommend services provided by outside 3rd parties to this site. RetrieverPaws does not give any promises as to the accuracy of any information and does not vouch for any services these 3rd parties may provide.

You should conduct your own research and apply due diligence to any outside 3rd parties to this site before accepting their information as accurate or using their services and you should direct any questions or concerns you may have to those vendors and site owners directly.

Unenforceable Provisions

In the event that any part of this website’s disclaimer is found to be unenforceable under any applicable law, this will not have any effect on the provisions and enforceability of any of the remaining parts of this website’s disclaimer.

Information is for Educational Purposes Only

All the content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from a veterinarian or other certified professional.

Your use of the information found on this site is entirely at your own risk. RetrieverPaws.com assumes no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of what’s written on this site.

Do not attempt to act upon or follow any actions, solutions, remedies, or instructions from this site without first consulting a professional. Information provided here is not intended to be nor can it be considered actionable professional advice.

Do not use anything you read here to diagnose or treat any disease, health condition, or issue related to aggression. Always consult a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist.

Nobody at retrieverpaws.com is a qualified professional, we are simply creating an online collection of information to help people better understand their dog and for entertainment purposes only.

In using this site, you agree never to ignore the advice given by a certified professional in favor of something you can read here. You also agree to never delay in seeking the advice of certified professionals by instead relying on information found on this site.

Our official stance is you must ALWAYS seek professional advice when it concerns the health and well-being of your dog. Never rely solely on information found on the internet, on this site, or any other. The health and life of your dog is far too important to do this!


If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us here

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